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Build A Happy Team

Happiness Delivery Platform

Posted Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The BuildAHapppyTeam is an online, subscription based service targeted for small to mid size companies (up to 50 employees) who either do not have time or a dedicated resources to manage, remember and find awesome gifts on occasions that are important either to the company or the employee. The service provides tools to - 1) capture events & dates that are important for the company and their employees, 2) auto-notify the assigned person in the company about upcoming events/dates 3) provide recommendations based on the event/employee/location for ideal, customized gifts 4) search the gifts repository based on custom criterion 5) provide tools (that can be used by all employees) to create social gifts, 5) ship & deliver the gifts (digital/physical) at the right time & location with minimum time investment & effort on the part of the company.

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