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A flexible and visual way to organize the best things from the web.

Posted Saturday, February 13, 2016

Drop the meaningless links, the rummage in your mailbox, lost articles in read later silos, and copy-pasting into docs to see content and context together.
 Candy lets you capture ideas on the web in an easy and beautiful way. In this fast-paced world, you don’t have the time to read again longform articles. Candy lets you mark quotes in any article and lets you work with them. Once you've collected the information you need, you can organize ideas on one surface to oversee a topic, to reveal connections or to find answers. Candy is designed to help all kinds of creatives in working with the information, ideas, data or inspiration they collect from hundreds of sources on the web. With Candy, you'll record and organize digital information the same free and easy way you memorize and then play around with information in your mind - in order to understand something or create something new. You’ll get a grip on a topic and assemble the outline of your next article, research report or even holiday program easier and faster, and with more confidence and fun.

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