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Email Tracker

Magically Track your Emails

Posted Friday, November 13, 2015

Email Tracker ( automatically tracks your sent emails so you can find out if and when people read your emails. All you have to do is install the extension and all your sent emails will now be tracked, no sign-ups or connecting accounts required. It works on unlimited accounts and emails and is compatible with all major webmail clients Gmail, Outlook / Hotmail, and Yahoo Mail with more coming soon. The extension works by adding a tracking image to the email and the email is given an ID when sent. No parts of any emails are ever transferred or stored by us so it is completely privacy safe. Our core product will always stay free and we can afford to keep it free by collecting as little information as possible so bandwidth and storage costs won't be an issue. We plan to support the service through a pro version of the product which will do link tracking, email statistics, and other useful features for professionals.

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