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Set a location and instantly see who’s there.

Posted Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Forest is a simple, free app that lets you see who is at a specific place at a glance. Wanna see who’s in the office, at home or at your local café? Set up a forest for anywhere you like, tell your friends to join and keep in the loop. Unlike other location apps, Forest put’s places as focus, rather than people. This way, you can see what’s happening at certain places without sacrificing privacy. Set a Forest for work, home, sports areas or coffee shops and instantly see who’s there. No check-in's or map pins. Forest can be used in a variety of different scenarios but these are some examples that we think are awesome: - Home No need to message or call your other half to see if they’re home. Set up a Forest and check in a second. - School See if your kids got to school OK with a quick glance - Office If you’re ever on the move for work and want to quickly see who’s in the office, Forest makes it easy. - Work Whether you work in a restaurant, in retail or construction, Forest lets you instantly see who’s at work without having to check rotas or sign in sheets. Forest is currently in public beta for iOS & AppleWatch (for the first 1000 signups) with a full app store release and an Android version coming soon.

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