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Watch the best African short films.

Posted Saturday, January 21, 2017

Hubrif is an online video platform for filmmakers and audiences of African short films. The one-stop community for streaming award winning and thought provoking short films made by Africans. Built and designed by filmmakers, Hubrif’s goal is to enable you easily discover, watch and share stories from Africa on your desktop, laptop and mobile devices. The most predictable step any filmmaker will take after their short film has successfully toured film festivals around the world is to finally release the movie online. Currently, the filmmakers' best bet is to put the video on YouTube or Vimeo as these sites have millions of visitors daily and so expect his film to be seen by millions of people. Unfortunately, on these platforms our amazing short films get lost in a myriad of cat videos and personal comedy clips. The problem is that these sites have generally evolved not to really support short films. This is the gap that Hubrif wants to fill! African short films are hard to find online in a ready-made community-like website. It’s time we have a home where the world can easily go to and find our stories to watch.

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