
Intelligent way to read books

Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Booke skill for Amazon Alexa offers a game-changing way to help people apply what they read in books to their lives by adding intelligent, digital features to a paper book. First of all, Booke will help you pick something to read that will align with what’s going on in your life. Then the skill will enhance your reading experience by keeping track of and saving the important parts of what you’re reading, and where you're at in the book. Best of all, Booke will give you a regular digest while reading, as well as an actionable, beautifully designed summary that captures the essence of the book at the end of a reading in a highly effective and easy-to-recall format you can read or listen to. WHAT MAKES BOOKE UNIQUE? Booke is an innovative blend of print/digital and AI technologies that lets readers retain more from what they read and helps them learn things that they can apply in their life to grow. Booke is unique because you don’t have to sacrifice the touch and smell of a printed book to search for a term, keep track of what you’re reading, effectively work with a text, or collect the best quotes–for example by saving them to Evernote. Just talk to search, find, bookmark, share and more.

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