
Capture, Organize and show case your online learning to reach greater heights in your career!

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Our learning has changed, it moved from the confines of a course, class room to informal experiences like online reading, networking and participating. But these informal learning experiences have never been called learning primarily because there is no technology to track them. We at EnGrip are solving this challenge. We are building tools and technology to capture your learning wherever it happens. With EnGrip, all your learning counts not just the certificates from work and training courses. Do you think a 2-page resume tells everything about your knowledge. Certainly not! You are more than your resume and that is what you can prove with EnGrip. Gain rewards, recognition and a digital portfolio for your online learning. Build your knowledge identity, flaunt your expertise, and pursue that dream job you deserve with EnGrip!

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