Fair Office

Anonymously dialogue with your manager

Monday, August 17, 2015

Fair Office is a mobile application that enables workers to anonymously dialogue with their employers to make positive changes to the workplace. If a worker calls for change the employer will have to listen because Fair Office will open up the inner workings of businesses to the world. Anyone with a smartphone could view any vote or comment about any business. Potential clients, future employees and business partners will be able to view everything. So to uphold the reputation of their business, your boss will have to use the app to dialogue with you and find a solution. Fair Office is the only Enterprise Social Network that will really boost productivity because it gives workers the tools to take part in their company’s decision making. By giving them anonymity workers can now make changes to the workplace without risking their jobs. By creating an open network, public opinion can persuade bosses to back their employee’s suggestions. If workers know that you’re listening to them, if they know that they really can help shape their workplace, they will feel a greater sense of ownership toward their company. And because we care for what is ours, employees using Fair Office will be engaged and more productive.

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