Linkd Pro

Helps you manage your social life

Friday, July 8, 2016

Linkd gives you the opportunity to manage all your Twitter and Instagram accounts in one simple app. Cast an eye on your recent followers and unfollowers for a successful social media appearance. Keep an overview about new followers, new unfollowers, mutual followers, non followers and your fans, so you know exactly what's going on. Have a look at recent statistics about your followers and the people you follow. You will never lose the overview about your social business. Features ★ Manage all your Instagram and Twitter accounts: You can add and manage as many accounts as you want. ★ New followers and unfollowers: Check out who followed you recently and who unfollowed you. ★ Mutual followers: See your loyal friends. ★ Non-followers: Keep track of who is not following you back. ★ Fans: See all your fans who follow you. ★ Statistics: Check how your accounts develop and how many followers you have gained. Start now and increase your audience. Manage your social media accounts with Linkd.

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