
Highly Curated Local Recommendations

Monday, March 9, 2015

triptap is a map for the path less traveled, whether you are in your hometown or traveling somewhere new for the first time. We’re trying to help people discover the best, most unique places in Atlanta. We offer highly curated reviews of restaurants, bars, cafes, boutique hotels, and cool stuff to do. Our focus is on places that are off the beaten path and that highlight the local flavor and culture. Our team individually reviews each pick and recommendations on the app have high quality imagery, useful information, and a detailed personal review. We don’t publish any bad reviews and you won’t find any typical chains on triptap. In this day in age we are bombarded with so many different choices and options, all claiming to be the best at what they do. Many local recommendation apps present you with every single available option in your vicinity. These services have done a great job indexing everything, but the signal to noise ratio is less than ideal. We also feel that this system is broken as more often then not people will leave a review only if they have had a bad experience. This skews a location’s rating and in our opinion is not a great way to establish quality. To counteract this growing problem we have developed a solution that gives the user a selection of places that meet a high standard and that have actually been visited by a member of our team. This way there can be some credibility and accountability behind each selection and users know what they are getting by visiting a triptap recommendation. Additionally we have noticed that popularity is a key driver when determining a location’s rating inside a user generated ecosystem. The places that shoot to the top first generally tend to stay there as they are getting the most exposure. This makes it difficult for new and lesser known restaurants to be seen—we have found some amazing places that are ranked in the 100’s on services such as Yelp & Tripdvisor.

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