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All your sources of inspiration together

Posted Friday, December 1, 2017

MediaTag is a tool to have all your sources of inspiration in the same place. They can be photos, videos and webpages. It is currently tricky to organise and share those. People tend to download them and put them in folders where they will be forgotten, or they use project management apps which can be rigid. MediaTag offers a very easy way to solve this: simply using tags. Assigning several tags to a media is similar to putting it in several folders or projects, without having to duplicate it. It also allows to find it again from any of those tags. MediaTag is still in its early days, but already growing a user base amongst filmmakers and photographers. General feedback is that people appreciate its great flexibility. And it is a tool I designed for my own use, as it helped me a lot while preparing my BAFTA recognised short film Seeds (trailer: It still helps me now as we are preparing a feature film, where I need to put together everything that inspires me or that I want to use as a reference, for my own research, but also to share with my teams. Many thanks in advance if you are interested to showcase it. If that's the case, you can use the youtube embed for the same video currently featured on the front page:

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