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ProfHire, the best way to find part-time faculty.

Posted Tuesday, June 14, 2016

ProfHire is a single-source hiring and onboarding solution that provides an efficient and accessible method for hiring vetted and curated scholars and industry professionals. The system benefits both the applicants and the hiring managers. Individuals seeking part-time faculty positions complete only one comprehensive profile that is evaluated, vetted, and presented to higher education hiring managers. Skills testing, compliance training, and onboarding can also be provided through this comprehensive platform. We provide 3 - 10 curated and vetted candidates to the colleges and universities for each position. This way, the hiring managers only have to interview a handful of already vetted candidates to select their next hire. Our pool is highly diverse, which meets the need to have faculty that match the diverse demographics of the student population. We track affirmative action data for the university's reporting purposes without the information being attached to an individual.

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