
The Video-Game Advice Service For Parents

Friday, November 13, 2015

GameHub is a video-game advice service created for the needs of parents, guardians and teachers. We provide consumer advice so that parents can make informed choices about video-game purchases for their family, without needing to play the games themselves. We aim to inform, educate and empower parents in understanding video-games and video-games culture. During our year long research period, we went out an interviewed parents in schools, religious groups and at public events, online and on the street, about their feelings on video-games. They told us they were worried and confused, bombarded by contradictory messages, frightening headlines and peer pressure from other parents. They felt overwhelmed, unsupported and stuck. GameHub tries to change all that. Every game on our site has been played through from beginning to end by a life-long gamer, who then writes up all the content of the game into a concise, jargon-free report, covering the topics parents told us they were concerned about: violence, bad language, sexual scenes, representation of women and much more. We are deep, detailed and thorough, giving parents the information they need to make an informed decision, rather than telling them what is right for their own family. To complement our game reports, we also run a blog filled with helpful articles and think-pieces, as well as our personalised email advice service GameHub Concierge, and GameHub Sessions, workshop sessions with our founder designed to demystify games and games culture.

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