
Verify qualifications on the Blockchain

Monday, November 20, 2017

Despite widespread fraud, recruiters are discouraged from verifying qualifications. 200,000 fake certificates are produced every year and 58% of people lie on their CVs. Yet, 1 in 4 UK firms avoid background checks because they are expensive and can take up to four weeks. Indeed, most universities still use manual processes when assessing authenticity of a degree claim. By avoiding these checks, recruiters run the risk of hiring the wrong candidate which can cost thousands of pounds and cause reputational damage. To tackle these issues, Gradbase guarantees that anybody, anywhere can instantaneously verify your true qualifications stated on your CV. Issuers (e.g. universities) upload on the Bitcoin Blockchain their records (e.g. student diplomas) via Gradbase, and provide record holders with a QR code to access their records. This QR code can be included on CVs or LinkedIn profiles for employers to scan and instantly verify the qualifications stated by job applicants. Gradbase provides value to all stakeholders: universities avoid the administrative effort of replying to the verification requests of employers, who in turn cut the degree check from 4 weeks to 4 seconds, and save money too, meaning they can perform more widespread checks earlier in the hiring process. Honest candidates are a lot more competitive on the job market.

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