
Say it out loud

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

At present user generated text comments and reviews are inherently limited in their level of expressiveness, hampering users’ ability to interact with one another. In addition many text comments and reviews have a reputation of being disingenuous or inauthentic as the tone can be misinterpreted due to lack of context. As a result this content doesn't reach its full potential for websites to drive traffic and maximize user engagement. To solve this problem, Heyoya created a voice comments and review platform. By adding a human element, voice, to reviews and comments online, Heyoya is allowing eStore and website owners to facilitate real dialogue between users, while offering a heightened user experience which is guaranteed to increase engagement and decrease bounce rates. At present in order to comment on content or review a product, users are required to spend significant time writing and editing to ensure that their text set the tone they desire, making sure they use the right amount of emoticons or exclamation marks. With Heyoya, users can record their review or comment with the nuance reserved for face to face interactions simply by recording their commenting, entering their name and the post title and submitting. By requiring users to identify themselves through email or Facebook login we also provide an added level of accountability, improving the quality of content.

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