Pristech Analytics

Connecting people with neighborhood parking

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Searching and waiting for a parking space is a routine and often frustrating activity for many people in cities around the world. In India, this search burns about more than 90 litres of gasoline every hour per 1000 cars. Traffic congestion and carbon footprint increases manifold due to this continued search and wait for parking space in India. Pparke, a parking analytics app is a first step towards predicting where people will likely find a parking spot and mobile-phone-enabled automated payment systems that allow people to reserve parking in advance. When deployed as a system, pparke thus reduces car emissions in urban cities by reducing the need for people to needlessly circle city blocks searching for parking. It also permits cities to carefully manage their parking supply. In addition to lending convenience and environmental benefits, pparke parking improves the utilization of existing parking, leading to greater revenue for parking owners. These solutions can make differences not just on a neighborhood level but also on a city level and to significantly contribute to transportation-sector greenhouse gas, pollution and traffic reductions.

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