Project Pingback

Find customers who already want what you offer

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Any time someone tweets about a company on Twitter or Facebook, that company can find the post with tools like HootSuite or Mention and respond directly. The benefit is fantastic - it makes the company seem personable and makes the company-consumer connection far more intimate. (For examples of this strategy, just take a look at Taco Bell's twitter presence). Project Pingback reverses this process. Instead of finding customers after they've mentioned you in a tweet or post, our startup finds customers who don't know you exist but want what you offer. Sell web hosting? We find all the posts we can by people who've said they want to buy web hosting but never mentioned your product at all. You can connect and convert customers directly (although we're working on an automated response feature). We call this "predictive searching," and we'd say it would be best used for building a company's web presence. We target businesses, but individuals could also use our search feature to estimate market size for an anticipated product.

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