
Mobile Privacy Platform. Connect Without Mobile Number

Friday, September 19, 2014

StitMe is a next generation free mobile privacy platform that allows people to connect and speak via mobile telephone, all without revealing their actual telephone numbers to each other. StitMe allows users to connect with each other by simply using their names (e.g.#JOE), so there is no need to give out a personal mobile number ever again. When users make outgoing calls, the recipient’s caller ID will show the unique “StitMe Privacy Protected Connection Number” instead of his or her personal mobile telephone number. This is a permanent number between two people and both can use this number to call each other. The user’s actual mobile number is never exposed, and the number cannot be shared with anyone so they are protected from unwanted return calls, sales calls, harassment, stalking and anonymous calls. StitMe connection is one-to-one; no third party can intrude this connection. StitMe users have control on who can call them and when to call them. StitMe Chat is totally secured and comes with timer-based Kill switch that will delete messages from BOTH sender's and recipient's mobile phones. StitMe offers free unlimited, secure private communication channels, and unlimited talk time, with the crystal clear voice quality of a normal cellular call. The service is a toll-quality telephony service (not VOIP).

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