
Play rhythm game with a real acoustic violin

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

It takes a lot of time and effort to play a musical instrument well, and the process is often not that enjoyable as. That is why many give up in the middle. Jameasy solution is to makes this process fun, so that not only a handful of talented people but also anyone who want can enjoy playing instruments. Jameasy is a spin-off from Samsung Electronics. We have witnessed that technology has the power to bring humans and music closer. We picture a world where everyone plays an instrument enjoying fuller and richer life. Play rhythm game with a real acoustic violin If you play well along with the screen and accompaniment, the score will go up. If you do not, you will be able to remind you to fix the pitch and tempo. There is sheet music and accompaniments of various genres such as popular violin method books, classical songs as well as pop songs and OST arranged for violin. This app provides violin tuner for beginners, repeat section, speed control, and more to make it easy for anyone to practice. â–  Jameasy features - Precise feedback on pitch, beat - A number of musical scores for violin - Features for beginners (finger number, bow direction guide) - Provides speed adjustment in BPM units - Repeat section for intensive practice - Exercise and completeness check https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jameasy.android.jameasy https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1176770788

music startupsviolin startupseducation startups

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